Sam Waltz, a Vietnam-era Veteran of US Army CounterIntelligence, is an early-out DuPont Company SHEA (Safety, Health, and Environmental Affairs) external affairs and government affairs executive who has served more than 25 years on the Board of Directors of the Delaware Safety Council, which he’s led for more than a decade as its co-chair. He’s a native Illinoisian, a Delawarean since 1975, with BS and MS degrees from the University of Illinois.
Sam Waltz, who joined DuPont in 1977 after covering the likes of both Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden before each were elected president, became a senior leader in its external affairs function, heading strategy, strategic communications, marketing, PR and issues & crisis management for a number of businesses, including his work with DuPont’s SHEA team.
He founded Strategic Capital & Business Counsel in 1993, where his work focused on “the staff side” of business services, strategy, finance, safety and security, technology, M&A (merger & acquisition), public affairs, issues & crisis management, and planning. He’s credentialed in the field (1991) and was elected a Fellow of the Industry (1995) by his industry’s professional society, which he headed in 1999 as its elected global and national president, akin to an MD heading the AMA or an Attorney heading the ABA.
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